Department of Culture and Sports Services

In the flat; As sports services, in order to protect and improve the physical health of students and employees, to give them the habit of working with discipline, to make them interested in sports, to direct their energies in this positive direction, to enable them to work in the sports branch they are interested in in order to evaluate their spare time,

Organizing group studies and matches, establishing sports associations,

To expand the studies in this field by cooperating with foreign and domestic organizations established for these purposes, to ensure that the students represent the University to participate in competitions and encounters,

To ensure that all sports, facilities and materials of the university are used from a single source, that the staff work in a planned manner and are managed from a center,

Determining the needs of the affiliated units and reporting them to the Presidency,

To appoint a fiduciary for the use of fee-based areas of the facilities and submit them for approval.

As cultural services in the department, making use of the leisure time of the students according to their interests, ensuring that they gain the habit of rest and entertainment with their new interests, watching the activities related to fine arts and participating in these activities if they wish,

To organize painting and photography exhibitions, to organize concerts, conferences, theater and similar activities in the fields of art and culture, and for this purpose, to enable students to benefit from art and culture activities on a wider scale by cooperating with organizations engaged in such activities,

To create courses, study groups, choirs in the fields of painting, photography, handicrafts, folk dances, classical dance, music and similar activities in order for students to do art and cultural studies according to their interests and abilities in their spare time, To enable them to participate in activities such as exhibitions and encounters or to participate in encounters,

To create small reading rooms or areas by providing books and daily weekly magazines and newspapers containing various cultural and artistic subjects, to help students gain information according to their interests, to gain new interests, and to encourage them to read and spend their spare time,

To establish recreational facilities or campgrounds for the semester and summer holidays of students and employees, or to ensure that the service is provided by agreeing with the organizations operating in this field,

To provide transportation services to students and employees or to ensure that the service is carried out in the best way by agreeing with the organizations operating in this field,

In carrying out his duties, he is responsible to the Head of the Department.